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Training Nationals to Start Church-Planting Movements Among the Unreached

When we look at all the evil in the world, we can see the earth groaning as in pains of childbirth, groaning in eager anticipation of Christ's return. We too groan inwardly, and long for His return. For only then will all wrongs be made right and every mouth silenced before the Almighty God. But we also believe that the Bible indicates that before Jesus will return the gospel must first be preached to all peoples. (Mt. 24:14)

We Have One Goal

To see disciples of Jesus made among every nation, every tribe and every people group, especially among those who have never heard.

Sammy & Kelsey

Sammy and Kelsey both grew up in Africa, as children of Bible Translators. Independently they both sensed a calling from God to be missionaries.

Their similar backgrounds, interests, and passion for the unreached led them to get married and continue in missions together.

Bruno & Florence

Bruno is a Cameroonian Christian who was discipled by Sammy and his family and has grown to be one of the most mature believers from his village. He and his wife, Florence, serve in ministry together, passionate to see the good news of Jesus spread to those who have never heard.

We Have One Team

Though diverse culturally and possessing different kinds of gifts, we are honored to serve together to reach unreached tribes.

Nemsefor & Mercy

Nemsefor works for us part-time helping us build partnerships with churches and ministries in the north-west region of Cameroon. His wife, Mercy, helps in raising up local prayer support for the ministry.

When we began our work in June 2009, it was just Sammy and Bruno who were on the team. Since then God has more than doubled our team, and we continue to pray that God would bring even more people to join us in this mission -- both Westerners and Africans. How about you?

If you might be interested in joining us please contact us at:


We Have One Method

Enabling national churches to send out their own missionaries to start church-planting movements among the least reached peoples of Africa.

We Have One Dream

To see the great commission fulfilled in our time, and to see Jesus coming in the air.

We work under the accountability and supervision of Ripe for Harvest World Outreach, a global evangelical organization that enables teams and individuals to follow their God-given callings, pursue their God-given visions, and use their God-given talents for His Kingdom.

If you would like to learn more about Ripe for Harvest as an organization, you can visit their website at RipeForHarvest.org